About Us

AustinCashBuyer.com purchases homes, duplexes, fourplexes, vacant lots, real estate mortgage Notes and payments on Leases in variety of situations when owners need a quick, guaranteed sale to a reliable, proven and tested buyer.
We are Austin based real estate investment company specializing in buying properties and Notes from homeowners who need to liquidate quickly and convert their equity or payments into cash.


Our 25+ Years In This Business =
Assured, Smooth Closing For You!

We are professionals. We are experienced and reputable. 
We have completed over 150 buy and sell closings of Austin area properties. That simply means, we are a real buyer who WILL CLOSE the sale once we agree on pricing and sign a contract. 
We treat you fairly and with respect. We operate with full transparency. You'll know upfront exactly what to expect from us. 
No surprises at the closing table, no games, no sleaze-ball high pressure sales tactics. Bottom line - we say what we can do for you and deliver on our promises.